General Objective
Specific Objectives
Final Objective


Reorganization of IGIC and Focusing its Activities on the Environmental Aspects of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes

IGIC has long-term traditions of research in materials science and environmental chemistry. However, the investigations were not subordinated to a general strategy. The environmental aspect of the materials and processes emerges as a new priority that requires mobilization of both, research and educational potential of IGIC in a way to harmonize with the economic, technological and social demands.  To establish an effective working Centre, target thematic units will be organized on several feasible topics covering the principal fields of the environmental aspects of new materials and processes: advanced materials for clean energy production and environmental protection, environmental-friendly utilization and management of natural  chemical resources as well as development of a new strategy for evaluation and certification of these materials. In order to achieve better management, supporting units for different common activities (e.g. International Cooperation, Measures for Qualification Increase, Public and Industry Relations) will also be organized. The proposed structure of the Centre is important with a view to long-term improvement of the research capacity of IGIC.

Enhancement of the Research Capabilities of IGIC in the Development of Environmentally Oriented Multifunctional Materials and New Processes

IGIC disposes of a number of fundamental characterization techniques and a qualified staff. However, the promotion of the multifunctional materials and new processes with environmental impact as a new thematic priority of IGIC requires the acquisition of some additional equipments.  This specific objective will be achieved by an appropriate selective upgrading of the equipment necessary for the project realization which will contribute to the sustainable development of the Centre.

Expanding the Contacts and Personal Exchange between IGIC and Leading Research Centres in Europe

A regular co-operation with the scientists from EU and other parts of the world and from different disciplines is obligatory in order to maintain a high research and educational level. The links should be chosen on the basis of similar research goals and complementarity of equipment and experience. The measures aiming at fastening such contacts will give opportunities to: get acquainted with the EU organization of the research and to transfer it to IGIC, exchange experience, learn new approaches and new techniques and make scientists familiar with specific regional problems. In addition, establishment of personal contacts will be decisive in finding partners for applications to specific FP6 and FP7 and other international programmes.  The expanding of the contacts will be achieved by a series of measures: (i) organization of a conference; (ii) organization of workshops; (iii) setting a MISSION INTERNET portal for networking; (iv) short- and long-term visits of scientists to IGIC; (v) exchange of PhD students, and (vi) science and training visits of members of the staff (mainly young scientists) to related EU institutions.

Promotion of the Careers of Young Scientists and Maintaining a High Education Level of the Graduates at IGIC

The employment of young scientists will be an excellent start of their scientific or industrial careers and will thus decrease the brain-drain. In addition, by promotion of the research competency in materials science and environmental protection, IGIC will contribute to the development of a knowledge-based industry in Bulgaria. This will, through opening of new working places, contribute to the careers of the next generation of young people.  Direct measures to achieve this objective are opening of temporary working places and creation of PhD positions at the Centre. The careers of the young people will be promoted by: (i) amending their qualification by promotion of suitable training courses; (ii) exchange of PhD students with European universities, and (iii) stimulation of young researchers to present their results on a professional level at different scientific meetings.

Dissemination of Knowledge to the Scientific Community, to the Industry and to the Society

Based on the thematic priorities of FP6 concerning multifunctional materials and knowledge-based society, this specific objective is to elaborate adequate systems for knowledge dissemination. The analysis and dissemination of such data will contribute to the cultivation of an ecological conscience of the society and help home policy makers.  This objective will be achieved by creation of series of databases. The accumulated knowledge will be disseminated in several ways: (i) scientific meetings and their hard and electronic proceedings; (ii) reports; (iii) Internet pages; (iv) multimedia products, (v) popular publications in journals and newspapers and/or participation in popular TV programmes in order to achieve a higher public profile.